Goodnight Mr Tom
Chapter 1
Chapter 1 of “Goodnight Mr Tom” introduces us to the blunt and impatient character of Tom Oakley, who reluctantly welcomes the Billeting Officer and a young boy named Willie Beech into his home amidst the backdrop of war. The Billeting Officer explains that Willie’s mother insisted on him being placed with someone religious or near a church, prompting Tom’s reluctant acceptance of the arrangement. Willie, a timid and sickly child, enters Tom’s dark and unfamiliar cottage, where he is met with Tom’s gruff demeanor. As Willie nervously adjusts to his new surroundings, Tom provides him with food and shelter, albeit with a stern demeanor that belies a hidden kindness.
As Willie explores the cottage and its surroundings, he encounters both fear and comfort. His interactions with Tom and his environment reveal his vulnerability and past trauma, while Tom’s actions demonstrate a gruff yet protective instinct towards the boy. Willie’s fear of the dog and his subsequent rescue by Tom highlight their evolving relationship. Meanwhile, Tom’s reminiscence of his late wife and the discovery of her belongings hint at his own past struggles and losses. The chapter sets the stage for the unlikely bond that will develop between Tom and Willie amidst the challenges of wartime evacuation and personal healing.
Chapter 2
In Chapter 2 of “Goodnight Mr Tom,” Willie wakes up to find Tom sitting opposite him, offering him tea and introducing him to Sammy, his friendly dog. Tom teaches Willie how to interact with Sammy, explaining the dog’s behavior and preferences. They go for a walk together, and Willie is amazed by the countryside and the thatched cottages. Tom meets Mrs. Fletcher, who comments on Willie’s appearance and discusses the challenges of housing evacuees. Tom also asks her about knitting and finding boots for Willie. Later, they visit a farm where Willie sees a cow being milked for the first time, sparking his curiosity. Back home, Tom helps Willie get comfortable, revealing a letter from Willie’s mother and ensuring Willie knows he won’t be disciplined with a belt in Tom’s house. Tom helps Willie change into dry clothes and tells him a Bible story in his own way before bed, providing comfort and security to the scared and lonely boy.
In the attic room, Tom sets up a cozy space for Willie, allowing him to feel safe and cared for. Willie, overwhelmed by kindness, bonds with Sammy and experiences a moment of emotional release, crying as he embraces the dog. Tom ensures Willie is warm and comfortable before leaving him to sleep, reminding him to say his prayers and addressing him as “Tom” for the first time. As Willie gazes out of the window, he finds solace in the moonlit scene outside, reflecting on the events of the day. Meanwhile, Tom sits downstairs, preparing to indulge in his hobby of painting, symbolizing his nurturing and artistic side. The chapter ends with both characters finding moments of peace and connection amidst the turmoil of wartime evacuations and personal struggles.
Chapter 3
In Chapter 3 of “Goodnight Mr Tom,” Willie wakes up in the dark, experiencing intense pain and confusion. Believing he’s in a graveyard and about to be buried alive, he panics and vomits. Tom finds him under the bed, soaked in urine, and helps him clean up. Despite Willie’s shame and fear, Tom cares for him tenderly, providing reassurance and practical assistance. Tom helps Willie write a postcard to his mother, navigating Willie’s embarrassment and lack of education with patience. They visit Dr. Little, who diagnoses Willie’s malnutrition and advises Tom on caring for him. Mrs. Little, noticing Willie’s fear, offers kindness and practical help, fostering a sense of acceptance.
Later, Tom accompanies Willie to the village, where they encounter various residents. Willie is overwhelmed by unfamiliar experiences and interactions, including a visit to the post office where he meets a peculiar boy. At the shop, Willie faces awkwardness and judgment from some villagers, but also receives unexpected kindness from others. Throughout these encounters, Tom provides guidance and support, gradually helping Willie navigate his new environment. Despite the challenges and uncertainties ahead, Tom’s presence offers Willie a sense of security and belonging amidst the unfamiliarity and discomfort of his new life in the countryside.
Chapter 4
Your KS2 pupils will learn in this Chapter that Tom and Willie set off in a cart, leaving Sammy behind. As they travelled, Willie became drowsy, but Tom helped him into the back of the cart to nap. They passed scenic areas and eventually stopped at a blacksmith’s, where Tom unloaded their belongings. They continued their journey, stopping at various shops, including a newsagent’s where Tom bought Willie a sweet and a comic, despite Willie’s admission that he couldn’t read. Tom reassured him that he would help with his reading, showcasing an unexpected kindness.
They will then discover that Tom and Willie visited several more shops, acquiring clothes and boots for Willie, before stopping at the library to join Willie up and borrow books. Miss Thorne, the librarian, was surprised by Tom’s uncharacteristic behaviour but helped them. After finishing their errands, they returned home just as a heavy rainstorm hit. Tom helped Willie settle into bed with new pyjamas and a comic book, showing a caring side as he adjusted to having Willie around. Tom read to Willie, who, despite his initial fears, found comfort in the new routine.
Chapter 5
Chapter 5 begins by Tom greeting Willie in the morning, showing him the view from the window and explaining the local landmarks and school details. Willie, still adjusting to his new clothes and uncomfortable boots, is sent to the church by Tom. At the church, Willie is tasked with arranging hymn books while the vicar, Mr Peters, announces that Britain is at war with Germany, causing a stir among the congregation. Despite feeling uneasy and out of place, Willie tries to absorb the significance of the moment and notices various villagers.
After the service, Tom and Mr Fletcher discuss the day’s work, which involves digging a trench for an Anderson shelter. Willie, initially nervous about getting dirty, is encouraged by Tom to get stuck in. As they dig, Willie gradually becomes more engaged in the task, making friends with local boys. By the end of the day, he’s covered in dirt but finds satisfaction in his hard work, not noticing the approaching dusk or the presence of a shadowy figure watching him.
Chapter 6
In Chapter 6 Zacharias Wrench, a confident and chatty boy, introduces himself to Willie and offers to help with the Anderson shelter, impressing Willie with his enthusiasm and experience. Despite feeling nervous and overwhelmed by Zach’s energetic friendliness, Willie agrees. As they work, Zach shares his experiences of living in the country and makes an effort to connect with Willie, who is new to the village. Zach’s presence and eagerness to befriend Willie make a significant impression, especially since Willie has always felt somewhat isolated.
Meanwhile, Tom Oakley attends a village meeting where the local response to the war is discussed, including fire-watching duties and other preparations. Despite his usual tendency to avoid social events, Tom volunteers for fire-watching and is surprised by the warmth of the community’s response. When he returns home, he finds Willie and Zach finishing the shelter. Tom is initially cautious but eventually appreciates Zach’s help and good intentions. After a long day, Tom helps Willie relax with a bath and a story, providing him comfort and a sense of belonging.
Chapter 7
In this chapter of Goodnight Mr. Tom, Willie Beech, adjusting to life with Tom Oakley, is taken on a blackberry-picking excursion with local children, including George, his twins Carrie and Ginnie, and Zach. Initially feeling self-conscious and out of place, Willie is uncomfortable with the other children’s quiet disdain and struggles to keep up with the group’s energy. Despite these challenges, he is eventually accepted and included by the group, learning more about their interests and making a contribution by picking blackberries.
As the day progresses, Willie’s initial apprehensions are eased by Tom’s continued support and the friendly gestures from George and the twins. By the end of the day, after a fulfilling picnic and successful berry-picking, Willie feels a sense of achievement and belonging. The experience, including helping to make jam from the blackberries, marks a significant step in his emotional recovery and integration into his new rural community.
Chapters Overview
In Goodnight Mr Tom we have created 23 question sets.
Each set consists of:
– 4 retrieval questions
– 4 SPAG questions
– 4 Deeper questions (authorial technique, inference, sequencing, summarising, similes, metaphors etc.)
How does our website work?
1. You will assign each child in your class the questions of a particular chapter.
2. They will login and complete the questions online.
3. You will view the ‘Results’ section and see how each child did.
Green means that the child got the question right first time.
Orange means that the child got it right but it took a few attempts – a number will be displayed inside to show how many attempts.
Red means that the child didn’t get the question correct – a number will be inside the red box to show how many failed attempts.
Interpreting the Results
Select a range of chapter question sets in the results section and choose a child. Next you will be able to see all completed activities and look for patterns, areas of strength and areas for improvement.